Tag Archives: Technical Textile

Technical Textile Trends

20160602Technical Textile Specialty Manufacturer

We offer a wide range of high-performance reinforcements covering both nylon and polyester yarns and fabrics for diverse non-consumer and lifestyle applications.

We are not only the largest manufacturer of technical textiles in India but also enjoys a global leadership for most of the products under this business. Apart from India its manufacturing plants for technical textiles are present in Thailand and South Africa.

This article comes from srf edit released

Indian Technical Textile Industry

Technical textiles are textile materials and products used for their technical performance and functional properties. Technical textiles are an important part of the textile industry and its potential is still largely untapped in India. With the increase in disposable income, the consumption of technical textiles is expected to increase. Based on past trends of growth and estimated end user segment growth, the Working Group on Technical Textiles for 12th Five Year Plan (FYP) projected the market size to reach INR 1,58,540 crore by 2016-17 at a year-on-year growth rate of 20% during the 12th Five Year Plan.

To tap the potential of technical textiles in India, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India had implemented the Scheme for Growth and Development of Technical Textiles (SGDTT) from 2007-08 to 2010-11 during the 11th Five Year Plan. The scheme encompassed three components :

Baseline survey to build the database of technical textile industry in India.

  • Setting up of Four Centres of Excellence (CoE) i.e., BTRA for Geotextiles, SASMIRA for Agrotextiles, NITRA for Protective Textiles and SITRA for Medical Textiles. These CoEs provide infrastructure support in terms of facilities for testing with national and international accreditation, development of resource centre with I.T. infrastructure, facilities for training, prototype development, standards development on technical textiles, etc.
  • Awareness creation among entrepreneurs under which more than 60 Seminars / Workshops / Training programmes were organized by Office of Textile Commissioner across the country during the course of scheme.

Subsequently, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India launched Technology Mission on Technical Textiles (TMTT) with two mini-missions for a period of five years (from 2010-11 to 2014-15) with a total fund outlay of INR 200 crore to overcome the issues faced by the technical textile industry.

The Scheme consists of two Mini Missions:

Mini Mission I – Four additional CoEs have been set up for Nonwovens at DKTE in Ichalkaranji. Existing four CoEs are also being upgraded with latest equipments and infrastructure in line with new COEs.

Mini Mission II – Support for export market development of technical textiles, support for new business start-ups, support for contract research, market development support for sale to institutional buyers, fund support for organising workshops and seminars on technical textiles and social compliance through standardization and regulatory measures.

In continuation to its efforts for development of Technical Textile sector in India, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India has launched the Scheme for Promoting the Usage of Agrotextiles in North East Region with a financial outlay of INR 55 crores. Further, the Scheme for Promoting the Usage of Geotextiles in North East Region with a financial outlay of INR 427 crores is under finalization.

This article comes from technotexindia edit released

Creating Your Technical Textile Solutions

The seventh in the Fashion Business Workshops 12-month series is, “So You Want To Start a Business: Creating Your Tech Pack”. Do you really get what a tech pack is? Or why it is used? Or if you can go into production without one? If you answered no to any of these questions, this informative workshop is for you!

The workshop, taking place from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. At TechTown, will be led by textile/apparel expert Michelle Roberts of Technical Textile Solutions, and will cover:

What is a Tech Pack?

Why do you need one?

20160505What does it cost to have one made/ what resources do you need to have one made?

How can you make one yourself?

Bonus! Fabric sourcing: How to source it yourself with confidence so your apparel manufacturer can focus on making your garments.

Michelle Roberts is a textile and apparel expert who helps apparel entrepreneurs source materials for their line so they can save time and improve their bottom line. She helps them create and streamline product creation processes that get the right product in front of their customer at the right price. She accomplishes this by providing educational courses that teach others to do this on their own, as well as offering done-for-you services for those who need it done faste.

This article comes from eventbrite edit released