Category Archives: Knowledge

The Benefits of Print Media


In a world dominated by the internet, it is easy to assume that print media is a thing of the past. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Print media is needed more than ever to stand out in the digital world. Find out why here…


A piece of print is something physical and can stay in homes or offices for significant amounts of time. Items put onto the internet can vanish almost instantaneously. Print media that stays in the home has the potential to remind customers of a product again and again, increasing the likelihood of customer interaction.

Printed materials and media have a tactile element, and thus act as carriers of communication. Known as haptic communication, this is when someone holds material in their hands and physically interacts with it.

Many prefer print as they like the feel of paper which has the ability to trigger a number of senses such as smell thanks to the ink. Print media comes in many different forms, and can differ in texture. Some print can be rough, while others feel as soft as silk – creating a unique sensory experience, which can add to the effectiveness of print.

Writer of Brand Sense, Martin Lindstrom believes that when brands appeal to more than three senses, advertising effectiveness will increase by 70%.

“Paper is an information carrier par excellence and possesses an intimacy of interaction that can never be obtained in a medium that by definition imposes a microchip interface between the reader and the text.” – Andrew Dillon in his seminal review of print and digital media differences.

Print is Personal

Something as simple as customising print media for a specific audience makes consumers feel like a business cares about them. Not only does this build up a relationship with potential customers, it can generate hype and excitement if they know they are likely to receive something made specifically for them in the future.


Print material is an excellent way to solidify brand identity, especially when items remain aesthetically consistent in fonts, colours and images that can establish brand recognition.

Branding doesn’t have to be boring either. Coming up with fun and creative ways to make sure your brand sticks in the front of the audience’s mind is fun for both consumers and companies alike. Personalising brochures, business cards and other printed materials can help customers choose one brand over another when they need a specific service or job doing.


Using print media exudes a sense of legitimacy. The web can be an overwhelming place with pop ups and banner ads. The fear of viruses is enough to make anyone weary of clicking, whereas print media holds no immediate danger.

More Engaging

Print media material is a great way to engage with consumers. Visitors to websites spend as little as 15 seconds skimming a website. Studies such as Alshaali & Varshney, show that people read digital screen text 20-30% slower than printed paper.

The key to successful engagement is drawing the consumer in with attention-grabbing content, before advising them of a worthwhile offer or service. Print media can host a variety of content areas from news to education, inspiration, special offers and entertainment. These generate engagement between a brand and the reader.


Those who read print media materials process information on page differently to information found online. Print media offers fewer distractions, allowing readers to keep concentrating on the text for longer. This lack of distractions allows the consumer to fully get into the moment when they are engrossed in something. Known as deep reading, print media uses article topology, in which readers use an article’s structure, headlines, subtitles and pictures to navigate through content. This allows them to return to certain parts and obtain better recall of information such as special offers.

Potential Wider Audience

Using print media and materials gives businesses the potential to reach more people than online avenues. With so many sites fighting to try and catch web surfers’ Â attention, it is difficult to make sure that a page visitor stays interested for long enough.

Print materials can reach more people as they are easier to distribute. Print media is an easy medium to spread awareness or advertise to any particular geographical area. For example, a local newspaper is the best way to spread news about any local event.


Some forms of print media have huge followings. Having become household names, they have become experts in their fields with many flocking to find out what the experts say every month. Using print media effectively can secure a business the reputation of being trusted, which in turn can boost customers and clients.

Print is Taken More Seriously

Consumers take print media seriously as it is something that is aimed directly at them. With the digital world just a click away, anyone can log on and share their thoughts, expertise or business with the whole world. However, print media takes time, is well thought out and costs money.

Print materials needn’t be expensive, if you are looking to use print media to benefit your business, take a look at our exclusive range of free downloadable templates for business cards, leaflets, flyers and more.

Print media and materials are also brand specific and personal to a business. website domain value calculator Investing in branded items from The Business Printers, allows companies of any size to promote themselves through eye-catching, high quality printed materials. From business cards to posters and flyers – the sky is the limit.

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Technical Textiles Market

Technical textiles are predominantly man-made fibre-based owing to their inherent advantages of strength and versatility. Man-made fibres are estimated to account for around 80% of the total fibre consumption in the global technical textiles.

The majority of technical textiles are manufactured using regular fibres or their specialty variants, whereas, high performance fibres account for a mere 5% of the total fibre consumption. Technical textiles refer to textile materials and products used primarily for their technical performance and functional properties rather than their aesthetic or decorative characteristics.

Today, technical textiles use 25 million tonnes of fibres, accounting for a third of global production. Since 1960, the technical textiles market has increased five times faster than traditional textiles. The nonwovens and composite markets are also set to increase significantly.

The Industry has witnessed a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 3% from 2000 to 2010. Going forward, the major growth areas for technical textiles in the global context are projected to be medical and personal hygiene, sports and leisure, environmental protection, pollution control and filtration, garment and shoe industry.

The primary reason for the success of technical textiles is the innovativeness of woven, knitted and nonwoven fabrics, especially in combination with each other. Another very important aspect for the huge economic potential offered by functional textiles is the great importance given to diversification in research to promote the discovery and implementation of these innovations.

The main target of the technical protective fabrics is to improve people safety in their workplaces. A technical protective fabric can save a worker’s life, that’s why, most of them are mainly used to manufacture PPE (personal protective equipment). There are some organisations around the world (ASTM and ISO) which describe the requirements and regulations, to fulfil by a fabric, to be considered as a technical protective fabric. The aim of a technical protective fabric isn’t fashion, they are designed to have extra values in protection, against some hazards.

The US is the largest consumer of technical textiles, followed by Western Europe and Japan. However, the technical textile industry in the developed world is maturing in a significant way resulting in moderate growth in these economies. In contrast, China, India and other countries in Asia, America and Eastern Europe are expected to experience healthy growth in the near future. Asia is emerging as a powerhouse of both production as well as consumption of technical textiles. China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and India have great potential to make an impact in this industry in the coming decade.

India is emerging as a significant player within the technical textiles market. The fast-paced economic growth leading to infrastructure creation as well as higher disposable income has made India a key market for technical textile products. Moreover, the country has developed a foothold in the production of technical textiles owing to its skilled and technical manpower as well as abundant availability of raw material.

Products being marketed in each sector can be grouped into commodity products, customized products, and niche products. The latter two are the high-value technical textiles, and the development of such products requires significant R&D support (technical textiles is included in the EU and national strategies for R&D funding support) and “know-how” in application of new technologies. Usually, these technical textile products are created in a close relationship between the manufacturer and the customer so as to ensure tailor-made solutions to specific user requirements. So, although the developing economies are major areas of the global market for growth in technical textiles (the potential in India is huge), they do not have as yet the in-depth experience in R&D and innovation management to effectively compete in the high-value end of the market.

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Small fibres show massive potential

20150911The rapid progress of machine builders, in the development of high-volume commercial production of nanofibres is creating a wealth of new opportunities for such materials.

The latest of which, Chromatographic separation with nanofibres, is itself the subject of a recent posting. Numerous examples of the other applications – including filtration, thermal materials, medical implants, contraception, pain relief, energy storage and generation, chemical protection and lighting – can also be found by searching our archive spanning more than ten years of reporting on technical textiles, smart materials and nanotechnology.

The article also considers one of the barriers to the use of nanofibres: the need for high-volume production techniques.

The signs are encouraging. There is a wealth of research and development aimed at addressing this issue and progress in the last ten years has been nothing short of spectacular; from the first imaginings of a commercial nanofibre to the existence today of several companies selling production machinery. Further progress, however, will open the doors to more opportunities, he argues, not just creating new profit-making opportunities, but also offering the potential to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems, such as the need to provide adequate amounts of clean drinking water for all.

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Taking the Necessary Steps, Print Media

The goal in all four success strategies is to build stronger relationships with audiences around their most passionate interest areas. Through bolder innovation, media companies can build communities around these interests, serving up the right combination of content and applications to provide real utility to consumers. Just as B2B publishers need to move more closely into their customers’ workflows through a combination of insights, applications, and more valuable data that builds on their existing offerings, consumer publishers need to get deeper into their audiences’ paths to purchase. This will maintain their relevance as consumers spend more time online and embrace the power of the Internet and mobile applications.


In many ways, media executives face the same challenges as ad agencies: The evolving marketing and media ecosystem is placing Darwinian pressure on them to innovate and evolve, or risk becoming extinct. Some will surely rise to this challenge. If it isn’t clear exactly how, that’s because much of the experimentation is still in its earliest stages. However, the four strategies we have analyzed show that much is already coming into focus.

The strategies that make media companies successful will require new capabilities: tracking and research to gain deeper insights into audience interests, informatics to manage and direct Web traffic, database management, custom content and applications development, and the ability to manage a network of partnerships. To acquire and scale up these capabilities, many media companies will need to partner with others.

The survival of print media in some form is no small matter. At their best, newspapers and magazines enlighten, educate, and enable the smooth running both of the global economy and of civil societies. Today the pain is real, but their opportunities have rarely been so great. Mensderneyspyzun . With aggressive action today to foster innovation and more aggressive cost management based on these new success strategies, media companies can position themselves for a bright future.

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Reinvent the Content Model of Print Media

Growing revenues beyond traditional advertising and circulation models is only part of the profit equation for print media companies. They also need to dramatically lower their costs. Many newspapers and magazines have already begun to do so, but much more aggressive action is required. One or two rounds of 10 or 20 percent annual cost reduction is not sufficient to offset the advertising declines of the past few years, especially because print advertising is likely to continue to erode even after the recession. More targeted action is necessary that changes the way they approach content development.


Print media companies need to employ a range of efforts, but first and foremost, they must focus resources on their “profitable core” and rebuild from that base. The profitable core is the set of print and digital content that most drives audience engagement around well-defined interest areas. It is only on those distinctive content assets that a media company can build a “right to win,” competing for attention against marketers, user-generated content, and other media companies. Identifying the profitable core requires thinking freshly about the zones or editions of a newspaper or magazine and eliminating sections that do not drive significant readership or advertising revenue. The New York Times, for example, cut the number of physical sections of the newspaper, combining the sports and business sections to better manage page count. The Detroit News cut the number of days for which home delivery is available, betting that the falloff in advertising from the eliminated days will be more than offset by the costs saved. Blerydacunos Other papers have, of course, gone to online only. Rationalization efforts also include focusing on a more targeted set of Web pages, continually tracking and evaluating areas of focus to profitably serve selected interest areas.

Some sacred cows need to be confronted, such as better sharing of content across “sister” publications, integrating newsrooms and editorial staffs across publications, and developing more centralized, outsourced, or offshored editorial capabilities (for example, production for magazines and analytic tasks for newspapers). Some print media companies may need to consider moving out of high-cost metropolitan locations, such as New York City, or allowing for more work-at-home options to tap into lower-cost labor pools and provide more global access to distinctive information. vodafone site down Cutting out top-heavy management structures that are expensive and that often result in “too many touches” will require making difficult people decisions and cultural changes.

Of course, some less-disruptive options, such as negotiating lower costs with outside vendors, using more stock photos and video footage, or fully leveraging technology to more efficiently produce the magazine or newspaper, will also continue to produce sizable savings.

With print media companies in the unenviable position of having to cut costs or risk their very survival, new metrics for determining how to compensate journalists are critical. Print media should seek to move, where possible, to compensation models that link incentives to metrics based on the audience size and level of engagement that the content attracts. The Internet offers a way to better align the compensation that journalists receive with the value they create for their readers. For many publications, the right metric may simply be how many readers an article attracts and how engaged they are in terms of total page views or time spent. For others, however, such as leading publications that are defined by the quality and depth of their journalism and their thought leadership, new metrics may have to be devised to measure the influence or impact of an article. Of course, overall lower levels of compensation may be necessary.

This article comes from strategy-business edit released

Reinventing Print Media

20150901Print players have faced other cyclical downturns in which their businesses declined faster than other ad- supported media. But few print media companies can afford this time to simply batten down the hatches and ride out the current storm. The two major forces that are washing away the profitability of print media were at work long before the current recession and are now being exacerbated by the downturn.

The first force is the ongoing shift in where marketers focus their spending. Marketers have accelerated shifts in spending away from paid advertising to other priorities — including their own Web sites, in-store marketing, loyalty programs, and word-of-mouth campaigns — and they aren’t likely to switch back. Spending on this type of “below the line” marketing (the industry term for categories other than paid media advertising) already represents three-quarters of most marketing budgets, having grown faster than paid media since well before the current recession. Below-the-line programs will continue to capture the bulk of marketing spending as the economy recovers, placing a limit on the ad recovery that print media are counting on to restore their profits or even to ensure their survival.

The second long-term trend devastating print profitability is the rise of digital media. Print has been hardest hit by this shift, since print ad pages are priced at a significant premium over other kinds of advertising, and marketers have been slower to cut broadcast and cable TV ad spending because of the value they place on sight, sound, and motion for brand campaigns. Even in the most optimistic scenario, print advertising would take many years to return to pre-recession levels. More likely, print media will follow the path seen in technology publishing, where more than half of ad pages disappeared after the tech bubble burst almost a decade ago, followed by declines in print ad revenues ever since. And although print media companies have taken a slice of the digital ad revenue pie, they must compete with a much broader, and expanding, set of rivals. Tarpoundhaneres . These range from Google, Yahoo, Facebook, and Hulu to television networks’ online properties to ad networks that aggregate “eyeballs” from many sites to blogs and social media.

The steps that print media companies have taken to expand their share of marketing budgets and to succeed in the new digital environment have been largely unsuccessful. One obvious approach — which many media commentators have called for — is for publications to charge for their content online the same way they do in print. But journalism and information have become commodities on the Web. Only a few print publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, and the Economist, are successfully charging for their content online. They are all specialized and oriented toward business professionals. Conversely, most general-interest publications that have experimented with paid content models have failed, including the august New York Times. A second approach — moving entirely online without charging for content (shedding the costs of paper and distribution and counting on online advertising to make up for the loss of print revenues) — has also had little success. The status quo approach, of making content available free on the Web while continuing to charge for it in print, may well be the best path currently available for most print publishers, but it does nothing to change the underlying trend toward lower revenues and profits. And although many new pricing models for online content have been suggested and are being experimented with — including multi-title subscriptions, day passes, and micropayments — the evidence so far suggests they are unlikely to succeed on a scale that would replace any significant fraction of the revenues from traditional but fast-disappearing print advertising.

This article comes from strategy-business edit released


Basics of Print Media

When implementing a print media campaign, there are quite a few things to remember to ensure maximum quality is achieved with your final product.

When hiring a professional design firm or a designer to execute your print campaign, you should make sure they are aware and comfortable with the information in this article.

We’ll explain some of the basics you should be aware of regarding printed media so that you can make sure you are hiring the right group of people (or person) to handle your campaign.

Understanding Color Profiles

Color profiles are extremely important in printing. Your document(s) should be set up in what is known as a color profile. Under no circumstance should your print campaign contain objects compiled in an RGB color profile.


Color Mixing Example is a printing process, also know as 4 color printing, which utilizes Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (or, Black). There is a lot of detailed information regarding why is a more efficient means of printing, but that is not something we will delve into at this time.

However, understand that is for printing, while RGB is for use on the web.

Spot color printing is also appropriate (such as using Pantone colors), and is mostly used for ensuring color matching on printed objects such as logos. But be aware that spot color printing is fairly pricey, but because of its extremely accurate nature, is an excellent choice when you absolutely need a particular color to be reproduced.

Bleed, Trim, and Safe Area

Next, it is important to understand these 3 terms.


If you want elements in your document to reach all the way to the edges when in final printed form, you’ll need to make sure what’s known as a “bleed” is included. The more space you can provide, the better, but most printers require at least 1/8″ of bleed (and preferably more).

Bleed, Trim and Safe Area


Next, you’ll need to make sure that you identify the trim area of your document. The trim area should be set to what your final document size will be. In the image above, you’ll notice the trim is identified by the magenta rectangle.

Copy Safe Area

Finally, the Copy Safe Area is basically the “boundary” for any text or important information that you want to make sure is printed clearly. This is imperative, because many printers have a slight variance in where the trim of your document occurs. The typical practice is to place your copy safe area at least 1/8″ of an inch from your trim line. This makes sure that if the printer has any variance in their trim, you don’t lose any vital information from your document.


This is very important bit of information, and actually, a fairly common mistake that printers run into. Images that are often pulled from the web are not suitable for print, unless they are specifically made to be high resolution. Often, it is easy to tell the difference between a high resolution image and a low resolution image by file size alone. However, that is not the only way of identifying resolution. It is important that, when printing, your imagery and photography has a resolution of at least 300 DPI (dots per inch). Otherwise, the image may reproduce blurry and pixelated.

So what’s the difference?

When designing on a desktop publishing program, such as InDesign or Illustrator, the default black value is set as Cyan 0%, Magenta 0%, Yellow 0%, and Key (Black) 100%. However, if you print using these values, your printed media will be produced with a very washed-out black.

How to avoid washed-out blacks

By using what is known as a “Rich Black.” This is achieved by setting the values to C40% M40% Y20% K100% or C60% M60% Y40% K100%.

This will produce a full-color black that is vibrant and really jumps off the page.

Just keep in mind, this can only be done when producing media that is using 4 color printing and does not apply to grayscale printing.

Dealing with Fonts

When sending artwork to printers, it is important to remember that one of the most common compatibility issues is that of missing fonts.

There are two methods to avoid this issue… either packaging your document or outlining the fonts.

Packaging Your Files

If you are working in a page-layout publishing program such as Adobe InDesign, you have the option of “packaging” your files. Basically, this takes any and all images and fonts that are you used in your document and creates one nice, tidy folder where they all reside.

This image shows how the packaged folder is structured.

Outlining Fonts

Another option when supplying files to the printer is to do what is simply known as outlining the fonts. This is especially useful for documents such as Adobe Illustrator files.

When outlining the fonts (also referred to as outlining the type), the publishing software simply creates vector shapes of the characters in the words… so they actually end up becoming separate shapes, instead of editable type. This ensures the printer can view the document as-is, with no type compatibility errors or issues.

The Bottom Line

Hopefully this information helps you as you execute your print campaigns. When working with a design firm or a freelance designer, it’s extremely important that they are able to comfortably work within the industry printing standards such as these. Making sure you are working with the right industry professionals is key when producing high-quality branding campaigns.

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Advertising Media Print

The two most common print media are newspapers and magazines, but print media also include outdoor billboards, transit posters, the yellow pages, and direct mail. Print media is important because it can reach such a large audience, and the great number of specialized publications on the market enable businesses to focus on a target audience with a specific set of characteristics. Print media are allowed to advertise most anything, other than products intended for children and sold to children. All other publications may advertise most anything sold legally like cigarettes, liquor, and contraceptives; however, many publications will not accept what they consider to be controversial ads.




When deciding upon a newspaper in which to advertise, there are three physical criteria to consider: distribution, size, and audience. Newspapers are either daily or weekly, come in a standard or tabloid size, and reach a large percentage of the reading public. Because of the broad demographic reach of most newspapers it is difficult to target a specific audience; however, newspapers are effective in increasing awareness of a business’ products and services in a specific geographical area.

Types of ads placed in newspapers include: display ads, classified ads, public notes, and preprinted inserts. Newspaper ads have some flexibility in their size. For instance, some are small boxes that take up only a small portion of a page, while others might span one or two full pages (the latter, however, are typically only bought by larger corporations). Regardless of this flexibility, newspaper ads can only use limited special effects, such as font size and color. These limitations lead to advertising “clutter” in newspapers because all the ads look very similar. Therefore, advertisers must use original copy and headings to differentiate their ads from those of their competitors. The quick turnover of newspapers also allows the advertiser to adjust ads to meet new market conditions; however, this turnover means that the same ad may need to be inserted over a significant period of time in order to reach its target audience.


With magazines an advertiser can focus on a specific target audience. As the Small Business Administration pointed out in Advertising Your Business: “Audiences can be reached by placing ads in magazines which have [a] well-defined geographic, demographic, or lifestyle focus.” An attractive option for many small businesses may be placing an ad in the localized edition of a national magazine. But magazine advertisements often have a lag time of a couple of months between the purchase of ad space and the publication of the issue in question. Magazines, then, are sometimes not the optimum option for businesses seeking to target fast-changing market trends.

In addition to the above factors, it is also important to consider the nature of the magazine ad copy. Magazines allow elaborate graphics and colors, which give advertisers more creative options than do newspapers. Also, recent surveys have indicated that informative ads are the most persuasive. Therefore, it is important to include copy and art work that are direct and that present important product information to the consumer, such as how the product works, how it benefits the consumer, and where it can be purchased.

Direct Mail

Many consultants feel that direct mail is the best way for a small business to begin developing awareness in its target consumers. Mailing lists can be generated (even though they are often difficult to maintain) with the names of those people most likely to purchase the advertiser’s products or services. However, direct mail is not always cost effective. A direct mailing campaign can cost as much as $1,000 to reach 1,000 people, whereas television can reach a similar number of potential customers at a fraction of that cost. But business experts indicate that direct mail does tend to generate more purchasing responses than does television, and they observe that the products of many small businesses are often more suited to a direct mailing campaign than to indirect, image advertising.

Yellow Pages

The Small Business Administration stated in “Advertising Your Business” that a yellow page ad is often used to “complement or extend the effects of advertising placed in other media.” Such an ad has permanence and can be used to target a specific geographic area or community. Essentially, a yellow page ad gives the consumer information needed to make a purchase. Therefore the key information to include in such an ad includes: the products and services available; location; phone number; business hours; special features, such as the acceptable kinds of payment (i.e., credit cards, checks); parking availability; discounts; and delivery policies and emergency services. The best way to arrange this information is in a list, so that the consumer will be able to scan the ad for the desired information.

A major consideration with a yellow page ad is where to place it, which primarily depends on the directory (or category) under which businesses choose to locate their ads. Central to this choice are the products or services that the company wishes to emphasize. The ad copy should compliment the directory, indicating the main products and services for sale, so that the ad will emerge from the similar looking ads that surround it.

Outdoor Advertising

Outdoor advertising usually comes in two forms: billboards and transit posters. Like yellow page ads, outdoor advertising is usually used to support advertisements placed in other media. One of the greatest strengths of outdoor advertising is as a directional marker to point customers toward your business. Since the prospective consumer often has only fleeting exposure to billboards and transit posters, the advertising copy written for these media needs to be brief with the ability to communicate ideas at a glance. To do this well one must use graphics and headings efficiently and artfully.

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A Study of Technical Textiles

Textile that is primarily used for its performance or functional properties and not for its appearance or aesthetics is known as technical textile. The industrial fabrics that are used for various industrial applications are also classified as technical textiles. As such, technical textiles are the high performance fabrics that are basically used for non-consumer applications. Some textile academicians also include finished products such as ropes or tarpaulins, and parts of other products, such as tyre cord for tyres or coverstock for diapers, in the definition of technical textile.

Scope of Technical Textile

An exceptional feature of technical textiles is the use of innumerable varieties of raw materials, processes, products and applications for their production. Some of the materials used for making technical textile are listed below.

  • Metals, like steel.
  • Minerals, like asbestos and glass.
  • Synthetic polymers, like PES, PA, PAN, PP etc.
  • Regenerated fibers like rayon fiber and acetate fiber.
  • Natural fibers like cotton fiber, jute fiber, wool fiber etc.

Not only a great variety of raw materials but a multitude of processes are also employed for manufacturing technical textiles that include basic processes like weaving and knitting and much advanced processes like stitch bonding, chemical, thermal bonding to needle punching and many more. All these processes result into various products like fibers, yarns, and threads that are further used for making the finished technical textile. Not only this, many processes also lead to the manufacture of end products like ropes, cords, bags, belts etc. The figure above goes to explain the complexity of the technical textile process chain.


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Soyang Company Profile

Soyang is a leading specialty manufacturer of technical textiles for printing and industrial applications, headquartered in Hangzhou, southeast of China. For over 10 years, Soyang has been an innovative worldwide provider of flexible substrates solutions for a wide range of customers and markets.

Specializing in sign and industrial applications, Soyang developed a full range of products to meet your specific needs. Our own brands of Sotex® , SoFlex®, SoFlat® and Memo Tex® will guide you to find the best ideal supports.The 66,000sqm (710,688sq.ft) facility is home to Knitting&weaving lines, laminating lines an coating lines.

“Your Expert in Technical Textile!” Welcome to Soyang for a complete support on solutions: